School started 2 wks ago! Mikayla (that is what she wants to be called now) is in Kindergarten! My Baby Girl is in school and she loves it! Hasn't cried once. She plays with her buddy Tristan (A boy) that she has known all of her life.
Ashlynn is in 1st Grade and it is all about friends this year. So Far. She has a new best friend every day, depends on who she sits by or who talks to her. She said everyone in my class knows my name, but I don't know their's.They are both in the spanish FLES program. So they will be learning spanish every day for at least an hour in their classes. We are very exited that they made it on to the program. Supposedly by 5th grade they will be able to communicate basically in spanish. No deep converstions, but basic ones. They are already bringing home different new words every day.
Keegan turned two, and it has been Terrible! It was like a little terrible button was pushed or something. Hopefully he will be back to his sweet self soon. He is talking up a storm and says the cutest things sometimes, in the most adorable ways.
I keep telling myself "this two shall pass." :-)

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