Tomorrow is Sunday...My favorite day of the week. I always look forward to seeing the visitors and the many homeless people who come to our church. Every week, without fail it seems, there is a new face. A new person who is looking for the light. The World has left them is such darkness and they are desperately groping for a light-any light. We need to be outside of ourselves enough to shine one. Outside of our own attitudes, our own agendas, whatever it is that might snuff out our light. Why hold back the light that is is in us? I don't want to fail someone who is walking in the dark.
They need to see my light.
Lord, Let me always hold it high.
I recently came across this quote and it really spoke to me.
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
~Marianne Williamson
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
School, Two, and Crawling...
School started 2 wks ago! Mikayla (that is what she wants to be called now) is in Kindergarten! My Baby Girl is in school and she loves it! Hasn't cried once. She plays with her buddy Tristan (A boy) that she has known all of her life.
Ashlynn is in 1st Grade and it is all about friends this year. So Far. She has a new best friend every day, depends on who she sits by or who talks to her. She said everyone in my class knows my name, but I don't know their's.They are both in the spanish FLES program. So they will be learning spanish every day for at least an hour in their classes. We are very exited that they made it on to the program. Supposedly by 5th grade they will be able to communicate basically in spanish. No deep converstions, but basic ones. They are already bringing home different new words every day.
Keegan turned two, and it has been Terrible! It was like a little terrible button was pushed or something. Hopefully he will be back to his sweet self soon. He is talking up a storm and says the cutest things sometimes, in the most adorable ways.
I keep telling myself "this two shall pass." :-)

spanish fles,
terrible two's
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Quiet Saturday Afternoon...
At least for awhile until the boys wake up. The girls are playing and the boys are sleeping. So here I am taking a small break from the beautiful chaos that is my life. Really it is beautiful.
Beautiful to be loved by all these little, smiling faces. All of them wanting to hold my hand with their grubby little fingers. Well, they aren't always grubby.
Sometimes I think back to the years we tried and tried to have a baby to no avail and I realize how beautiful God is to have blessed us with not only one baby, but now FOUR!
Keegan is awake...back to work...:-)
Two quotes today:
There was never a child so lovely but his mother was glad to get him to sleep. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
A little girl is sugar and spice and everything nice - especially when she's taking a nap. ~Author Unknown
Beautiful to be loved by all these little, smiling faces. All of them wanting to hold my hand with their grubby little fingers. Well, they aren't always grubby.
Sometimes I think back to the years we tried and tried to have a baby to no avail and I realize how beautiful God is to have blessed us with not only one baby, but now FOUR!
Keegan is awake...back to work...:-)
Two quotes today:
There was never a child so lovely but his mother was glad to get him to sleep. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
A little girl is sugar and spice and everything nice - especially when she's taking a nap. ~Author Unknown
Friday, April 17, 2009
Friday Gratitude....
Everyone is Thankful it's Friday and it got me to thinking about being thankful. There is soo very much for us to be thankful to the Lord for. Friends, Family, Church, Health, and the list goes on and on. Today, I am thankful that I am thankful. So many people have so much and they fail to even realize what they possess. They fail to be thankful. I never want to take things for granted. I want to appreciate all that has been given to me and show gratitude in whatever ways that I can. Not just to the Lord, but to the people he has placed in my life. I want to let people know when they have been a blessing and I want to be a blessing back. Just something I was thinking about. Now I just have to go out and let people know how much they are appreciated!
I love quotes, so I will probably always post is one for today..
Appreciation can make a day, even change a life. Your willingness to put it into words is all that is necessary.
~Margaret Cousins~
Lord, help me put my appreciation into words.
I love quotes, so I will probably always post is one for today..
Appreciation can make a day, even change a life. Your willingness to put it into words is all that is necessary.
~Margaret Cousins~
Lord, help me put my appreciation into words.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Setting it up
Trying to get everything just right on my blog will probably take a few tries before I am satisfied. The title and background will probably change a few more times. I tend to be picky. Michael is thankful I am not one of his customers. Of course, I am no where near as bad as some of them. :-)
Keegan is much better today, just allergies and maybe a slight virus DR. said. Either way, he is in much happier state. Thank the Lord, because yesteday seemed to never end. When he finally took a late nap, he woke up a different boy.
Right now he is napping, so Here I am...I found a few quotes today I really liked. Here is one of them...
Facing a mirror you see merely your own countenance; facing your child you finally understand how everyone else has seen you.
Isnt that the truth?
Keegan is much better today, just allergies and maybe a slight virus DR. said. Either way, he is in much happier state. Thank the Lord, because yesteday seemed to never end. When he finally took a late nap, he woke up a different boy.
Right now he is napping, so Here I am...I found a few quotes today I really liked. Here is one of them...
Facing a mirror you see merely your own countenance; facing your child you finally understand how everyone else has seen you.
Isnt that the truth?
Monday, March 23, 2009

I read this quote recently and felt it sums it up quite well.
The family. We were a strange little band of characters trudging through life sharing diseases and toothpaste, coveting one another's desserts, hiding shampoo, borrowing money, locking each other out of our rooms, inflicting pain and kissing to heal it in the same instant, loving, laughing, defending, and trying to figure out the common thread that bound us all together. ~Erma Bombeck
Good Intentions...delayed :-)
Well, I got off to a very slow start. Here I am a year and a half later. I guess I know myself quite well. :-)
The last year and a half has brought so much into our lives-a new church we started, and another brand new baby boy, just 16 months after Keegan. He was born on Christmas Eve, and we named him Dawson Michael. He is absolutely gorgeous and now we have an even 4. 2 girls, 2 boys. They are a handful and some days, I feel quite overwhelmed, but I am so very thankful to the Lord that he has entrusted me with each of them. They all have their own uniqueness and every day I learn to appreciate something new about them.
Today is one of those days though! Yikes! Keegan has been miserable for about the last week and I am taking him into the DR at 3:30 pm. I have no idea what is making him so unhappy, so hopefully we will get to the bottom of it. We woke up late (after a long Sunday at church) so Ashlyyn got off to a late start. My AM grumpies and her dawdling, Not a good mix.
She is at school now and Keegan is trying to nap but crying every now and then. Mikayla is sitting next to me telling me "You are so mean!" because I am not letting her type, and Dawson is sleeping like a sweet little baby. For now. Pretty soon it will be lunch time and time to get Ashlynn and then to the DR. Some days feel like they never end.
The last year and a half has brought so much into our lives-a new church we started, and another brand new baby boy, just 16 months after Keegan. He was born on Christmas Eve, and we named him Dawson Michael. He is absolutely gorgeous and now we have an even 4. 2 girls, 2 boys. They are a handful and some days, I feel quite overwhelmed, but I am so very thankful to the Lord that he has entrusted me with each of them. They all have their own uniqueness and every day I learn to appreciate something new about them.
Today is one of those days though! Yikes! Keegan has been miserable for about the last week and I am taking him into the DR at 3:30 pm. I have no idea what is making him so unhappy, so hopefully we will get to the bottom of it. We woke up late (after a long Sunday at church) so Ashlyyn got off to a late start. My AM grumpies and her dawdling, Not a good mix.
She is at school now and Keegan is trying to nap but crying every now and then. Mikayla is sitting next to me telling me "You are so mean!" because I am not letting her type, and Dawson is sleeping like a sweet little baby. For now. Pretty soon it will be lunch time and time to get Ashlynn and then to the DR. Some days feel like they never end.
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